Grant of "NRW-Patent-Validation"

Dr.-Ing. Michael-David Fischer was able to convince the jury with his funding application "SHOWER-Structured Heat Exchanger for Optimised Water Energy Recovery" and has received a positive funding decision for the "NRW-Patent-Validation" programme. As part of the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE), the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of North Rhine-Westphalia supports projects in which patents with great market and innovation potential are validated.
As part of the SHOWER project, a patent-pending invention is being validated that aims to save more than half of the energy used to produce hot water for showers by integrating heat. This approach has the potential to save over 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year in Germany alone and thus make an important contribution to reducing emissions. The project combines the expertise of the Professorships of Equipment Design, headed by Professor Dr.-Ing. Norbert Kockmann, and Transport Processes, headed by Professor Dr.-Ing. Alba Diéguez Alonso.
175.000 € is available for TU Dortmund University in the first phase of the project. In a subsequent optional second phase, a further 175.000 € can be applied for for the university and 200.000 € for a cooperating company in the form of a joint project.