Welcome to Transport Processes
Welcome to Laboratory of Transport Processes
The research activity at the Laboratory of Transport Processes focuses on the understanding and characterization of several reactive and non-reactive multiphase flows. The areas of research include:
Multi-scale investigation of high-temperature thermochemical conversion of solids for the production of materials and platform chemicals. Two processes are of main interest, namely biomass pyrolysis and chemical recycling of plastics, also via pyrolysis. The physical and chemical phenomena involved in the multi-phase conversion of these complex materials are investigated numerically, via detailed CFD modelling at pore, particle, and reactor level, as well as experimentally at the same scales.
Numerical and experimental investigation on the formation and propagation of particle-laden and unladen free gas jets applied to safety-relevant events in process engineering. Possible applications include the production, transport, and storage of hydrogen as a key element in the defossilization of the energy and chemical industries.
Development and optimization of innovative structured heat exchangers for industrial and domestic applications via FEM-CFD coupled to experimental prototyping for validation purposes.
The development and application of laser diagnostics for in-situ characterization of flow fields, temperatures, and concentrations constitutes a fundamental part in our research activity and complements the experimental characterization of the investigated flows.

Preliminary exam results for FMHT, SM1 and SM2 available

TP-Tutors successfully complete Internship in Japan

CRC/TRR 287 BULK-REACTION: Prof. Alba Diéguez Alonso and M.Sc. Fabienne Ryll join the second funding peroid

Teaching Award of the Student Council goes to Dr.-Ing. Konrad Boettcher and Dr.-Ing. Michael-David Fischer

Reactivation of the elective lecture "Strömungs- und Transportprozesse in Mikrokanälen" in WiSe 2024/25

New Master-Lecture "Sustainable production of thermal energy" in WiSe 2024/25

Grant of "NRW-Patent-Validation"

Graduation Michael-David Fischer

Forum Junge Spitzenforschung

Welcome, Professor Dr.-Ing. Alba Diéguez Alonso!